Friday, May 16, 2008

The snot rag wars

We'll start this off with a little video from the awesome MC Chris that I just KNOW was written about me.

So yeah, if you want to speak to my heart saying that you think seasonal allergies are sexy is a good start.

Seriously though, all nerdy references aside, I finally had to come to grips with the fact that I was using a TON of tissues. In fact, most days the only reason our custodian had to empty my trash can at all was because of the snot rags and thus something had to be done.

I tried to relieve my conscience by buying facial tissues made from recycled material but even those used energy to produce, package and ship and where then thrown away. So I took an old pair of cotton pajama bottoms I had gotten my senior year of high school which were worn beyond repair and made myself a nice set of handkerchiefs, a matching drawstring bag to hold them and then an extra bag for produce.

Overall I have to say that handkerchiefs aren't bad at all. No nasty slimy ick in my pockets or on my hands, no spreading of germs, NO PACKAGING!! My dad and grandfathers used them for years so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. One tends to last me all day though I carry around two and then I toss them in the bucket we have by the washer for our nastier dirties for my one hot wash of the week. Then they go back in the drawstring bag by the door so I remember to grab a clean one on my way out.

So here are instructions on making pajama bottom handkerchiefs with bags... okay, maybe just the bags since all I did for the snot rags was cut the legs into squares. For the bags I took the pants from the crotch up and cut them in half up the inseam. I sewed the side and bottom shut, and used the existing drawstring channel with one extra hole cut for my second output. There, so freaking simple a monkey could do it, though the monkey would probably fling poo at you in the process.


Elizabeth said...

See, my sneezes are quite... proliferate with particulate. I'd be worried if I used hankies instead of kleenex that I WOULD end up with a snotty pocket. Is yours just a runny nose or do you create a lot of stuff? I'm trying not to be gross, sorry if I'm unclear!

Katya said...

I've actually been thinking about this a lot the past week with J & I both suffering from sinus ick. It seemed to work ok for grandma, so why not me? Perhaps when I get to Austin I will make my own hankies. I know I've got more pj pants than I need.

Off topic, I saw this link & thought of you...

George said...

Very cool idea. I'm going to run it by my own snottie hottie (Kara) and see what she thinks.

By the way, was it wrong that I was checking out the bookshelf in the video and taking notes?

Courtney said...

Okay, bad girl taking so long to respond.

Elizabeth, I have that problem sometimes but I made them large enough that I can fold them over numerous times and still have lots of blowing room. You could also make a little pocket pouch to put your used ones in if they get too...damp.

Katie, thanks so much for the site. Once we finish using our current products we are going to switch to vinegar for a lot of stuff.

George, it just means that you're a nerd, but we already knew that. Say hi to Kara for me.