Monday, July 28, 2008

Wasting food is not green (even if the mold is)

So John and I were having a problem that our fresh veggies and leftovers kept going bad in our fridge meaning we were wasting perfectly good food. Being my brilliant self ::stands in a victorious pose with super hero grin:: I devised a nice little system so this doesn't happen. Meet the board.


There are actually two parts to the board. The right size lists our produce so we don't forget about things until they are found rotting in the back of the drawer. The left side is for leftovers in plastic containers. Each container lid is numbered and the number, contents and date are written on the board.

This system also saves energy as we can see what is in the fridge without having to stand with the door open.

1 comment:

Katya said...

ooh clever. We've had a similar problem with leftovers not being eaten so we have a big roll of masking tape (left by maintenance men last month). We have tape all over our tupperware in the freezer and fridge with what is in the container and when it was packed up.