Monday, July 7, 2008

Green PSA

So almost every green guide that I have read says that every few months you need to clean off the heat dispersion coils of your fridge. This is because the heat cannot escape as effectively when the coils are insulated with a nice thick layer of dust causing your fridge to work harder and use more electricity.

Well, I've been putting this off...for about a year...on a fridge that I have no idea when the coils were last cleaned. So Friday I busted out the vacuum, found the wedge attachment, grabbed a flashlight, pulled off the front grate and OH MY GOD, THOSE AREN'T DUST BUNNIES, THOSE ARE MONTY PYTHON KILLER DUST RABBITS!! ::Screams as face gets et.::

Yeah, it was a little nasty (a little nasty like the ocean is kinda damp). I couldn't see the coils for all of the dust. Poor fridge, because I was lazy it had to work so hard. So after much time laying on the kitchen floor shoving the vacuum around my coils are now mostly dust free. I am also now the proud owner of a number of fridge magnets that must have belonged to previous tenants.

So I'm begging you on behalf of your poor fridge, please pull the grate off the front and clean off the coils. It will run better and you will have the added benefit of a lower electricity bill.


Katya said...

I'm working on a post for you but I need your email

Courtney said...
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