Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Mean Green Greeting

I've been putting off starting this blog for a while. In the beginning it was because I couldn't think of a pithy name. Then it was because I was embarrassed that my writing style wasn't as thoughtful and intelligent as my blogging friends. Well, screw it. This is important so I'm just going to have to sit down and write and you are just going to have to deal with my less than elegant style.

I really started this journey about a year ago when I moved with John from Austin, Texas to Seattle, Washington. We were basically dissatisfied with the directions our lives were taking (read that as nowhere) and needed a change. We then got rid of like 80% of what we owned, packed the rest into our two little cars and drove up here.

I was amazed at how liberating it was to go through my stuff and get rid of things (except for my books, that was not fun) and at how much stuff I had accumulated over the years that I really didn't need. This also made me think differently about buying things used at Goodwill since we donated A LOT of nice stuff.

After we got up here I've been constantly moving forward in my quest to reduce my impact on the environment. This blog will be a resource for what I have discovered, my experiences, product reviews, project ideas and anything else I can think of to help other people take the step towards living a greener life.

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